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The UK's new £200m polar research ship,  officially named the Sir David Attenborough after the famous BBC broadcaster and naturalist was launched by the Duchess of Cambridge on 26 September 2019. The popular public name of Boaty McBoatface was used for one of its robotic submarines.Frontier science: The ship will be a next-generation polar marine science platform, providing world-leading capability for UK research in both Antarctica and the Arctic. Built with future-proofed containerised laboratories, the new ship will enable exploitation of cutting-edge research technologies for years to come.
Greater geographic coverage and UK presence in the Antarctic: The new ship will have an endurance of up to 60 days unsupported at sea, enabling it to undertake longer voyages to open up new, remote locations for science. It will also reinforce the continuing British presence in Antarctica and the South Atlantic.
In addition to her research role, the RRS Sir David Attenborough will be a visible symbol of continuing British presence in British Antarctic Territory and the South Atlantic, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.
For more information click here.

The RRS Sir David Attenborough after launch on September 26 2019

© British Antarctic Survey
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